Kiera Hufford, freshman Medical Imaging major
Class of 2028
“I love having the door held open for me and communicating with each other. My classes have been going so well and I love my Human Structure and Function class. It teaches me a lot and shows me how much Misericordia has to offer to its students. The professors have a lot to offer with the classes and make learning super interesting. My first week moving into a new campus has been such a good new first experience for me and I love meeting so many people to say hi too every day. My math teacher, Dr. Fanchao Meng, is amazing. Shout out to him for making math so interesting and being so helpful to the students and staff. He really teaches math like no one else and helps me feel comfortable in my classroom.”

Josh Tierney, junior Health Science/Exercise Science major
Class of 2026
“Another part about me is I love attending sporting events. It’s so nice to get out and put yourself out there to support your friends and fellow students that make Misericordia such a great school. I don’t have a lot of opportunities like this in my hometown so it’s nice to be able to get into school spirit once classes and events start up again. My favorite sport to watch is mainly basketball. Having opportunities like this is what makes coming back so amazing.”

Ava Rockey, sophomore Speech Language Pathology major
Class of 2027
“A lot of my friends and myself have grown a lot and it’s great to see the changes in people coming back to school. I’ve happy to see faces and now feel more comfortable on campus especially after spending a whole year here. There is always a different energy felt when returning to campus, but it is always a good one. Always welcoming and nice. I’m so excited for my new role as a CA and how I get to interact with others. I’m so excited to be back you have no idea!”

Lucille Morrison, freshman Early Childhood Education major
“I really love back-to-school shopping and getting prepared. Becoming prepared really helps me face the new year especially when having to start a new experience like college. I love how flexible everything is with the schedules and my time management. I like how I can wake up when I feel like it and have dinner when I feel like it. All the teachers are very nice and helpful and make education less stressful. Everything here is a stress-free environment, and I think everything is very cool to be a part of.”

Sarah Burd, freshman Mass Communication and Design major
“Dorming is a great way to get involved. People are a lot friendlier and there are so many events and activities to meet people while being able to study and become educated. I like the freedom of not having to clean my house every day and being able to take care of a smaller and unique space of mine. I’m giving a shout-out to my roommate, Lucy Morrison, for being so slay. The faculty does a great job with roommate matching and I am so thankful for having Lucy as my roommate. I love Misericordia and how everything just falls into a piece that works together so everyone comes together, and it creates such a friendly environment.”

Julian Lavender, freshman Business major
I love all the fun activities, especially the fish pong. I love my fish, Rocky and Charlie. They are my babies and I’m hoping to take care of them forever. We are going to love each other and be safe forever.”

Dennisse Tapia, freshman Nursing major
“I really love learning about human functions and how everything works. My favorite teacher is my chemistry teacher. He’s very nice and understanding and really shows the real major part about coming back to school which is the teachers. He really goes into depth and really helps everyone out and shows how important being educated it.”

Sarah Greco, freshman Diagnostic Medical Sonography major
“I love living in McHale and having so many activities outside like volleyball which I love to play every night with my friends. I’m also so excited for all the clubs to join like the dance team and dance ensemble. School just has so much to offer for its students, that’s one of the main reasons I’m so excited to be back to school and campus. One of my favorite things also is my anatomy class.”

Madisen Raposo, sophomore Medical and Health Humanities (Pre-DPT) major
“I like being with my friends and having the opportunity to hang out with them when I can. I love the spaces we get in school and I’m able to build Legos and do activities with them. I like going out and experiencing different clubs and activities around campus like the milkshake night they hosted. Makes coming to school enjoyable. I love meeting everyone on the floor where you live. It’s also good to get out and around campus with everyone and experience new beginnings together. It’s so fun to be fun in the sun.”

Hope Zenger, freshman Early Childhood Education
“I love being able to be so active on campus such as using the Anderson center for the gym and there is just so much going on during campus. I love the food they have on campus and being able to enjoy my time eating. My favorite class is Educational Technology with Dr. Steve. It’s very fun and really makes coming back to school educational but also super fun and exciting. There is just such a positive energy when it’s time to come back to campus. I just love school and the environment it brings.”