You Can Probably Make it to Mass Now

Campus Ministry has added a Tuesday night mass at 7 p.m. to the daily mass schedule.
The new addition will allow students, faculty, and other community members to attend a later mass during the week if Sunday nights are inconvenient.
Father Alex Roche, Chaplin, was one of many Campus Ministry members who made the decision. Father Alex is positive that the addition of Tuesday night mass will make attending a lot easier for students.
“I think we’re all here really open to whatever is going to be easiest for the students. I mean we don’t have any preconceived notions about what this should be. We’re trying to offer what’s most accessible what you know what students want,” he said.
Father Roche said that the plan was to to offer an option to those who are unable to attend Sunday night mass, but still wanted the individual reflection and the quiet time in the chapel.
“When I got here, I was only originally only coming for Sundays, and there seemed to be some interest. But from what I could tell, offering mass in the morning or at noon isn’t really very helpful to a college student to really fit into the schedule. So we thought we’d try it in the evening, and we’ve had two so far get decent turnout,” said Father Roche.
Father Roche said students and faculty members have more options to attend mass that fit around their personalized schedules.
In addition to working as a minister on campus, Father Roche works in local parishes and encourages anyone on campus unable attend mass in the chapel to look for a local church instead.
“I hope that we continue to really offer something for everyone. I think especially here at Misericordia you see the full flowering of what the Catholic faith can be and all while also welcoming, encouraging, and building up members of other faiths or people of different beliefs,” he said.
Father Roche also said that attending masses will help students grow in this crucial moment in their college lives.
“I think it’s very important during these years of college when so much is happening in your life that there’s some kind of spiritual presence of God in it, and I hope we can offer that and offer opportunities to pray to learn and to serve others, and I think the people here do a very great job at that.”
Sean Farry, Minster of Campus Ministry, is elated that students will have more options to attend mass that will fit into their schedules.
“I think the students get a lot out of coming every week and having that time to not be constantly on a schedule or doing something more. It gives them a little bit of time to relax, reflect, and listen to some scripture and hear Father Alex give a reflection. So I think that the value is taking that one hour every week and kind of detaching yourself right from your schedule, your phone, the business of everyday life, and to just be able to focus on what God is calling them to do.”
Farry also said that the Campus Ministry website lists local parishes of several denominations for those who are interested in finding a local church.
Aside from mass, students are able to get involved with Campus Ministry by going on service trips and committing time to help those in need.
Lia Ruggerio, junior speech language pathology major, said even though she can’t attend mass right now, she stays involved with Campus Ministry. She recommends that students try to attend a mass or go on a service trip.
“As of right now I cannot go to mass regularly, but having an extra day definitely gives us an opportunity to go. On the other hand, I am involved in the Blue Chip Farms [animal shelter] every Sunday, so we get everything done. And I’m also planning on doing a service trip this spring,” said Ruggerio.
Lauren Gorney, Assistant Director of Alumni Engagement, said Campus Ministry helps students feel supported.
“So Campus Ministry is important here because it’s not just the Catholic identity of faith, but it represents all faiths. So by them offering to have a pastor here, someone I can go to, someone I can talk to about my problems, somebody I can celebrate my milestones with and support a community feels great. They’re now hosting masses where we can celebrate all of those things together,” said Gorney.
Gorney also said that Tuesday night masses are perfect for anyone on campus looking to share these positive experiences.
More information on hours, service trips, and local parishes can be found on the Campus Ministry website.