The Ups and Downs of Remote Learning
Taking classes remotely has been more like a shock to the system rather than a much-needed vacation.
It has been difficult adjusting. When we all had a set schedule to abide by, it was much easier to maintain our schoolwork while also having a job and, if we were lucky, a social life. But life has been completely turned upside down. In a matter of days, I was told the rest of the semester had been canceled.
I left friends I’ve had since 2016, thinking I would see them again before we part ways and go on our own adult journeys. After being home only a short time, I realized this pandemic was real and would only get worse.
President Botzman’s email sealed the deal. Now, here we all are, in the same boat waiting this pandemic out, one email at a time. We are barred from all social activities to “flatten the curve” when the virus’s spread halts, and it is no longer rampant. Or, until health professionals find a proper treatment that will alleviate the major symptoms patients around the world are experiencing.
I feel like I’m losing touch with everything that made us all human. We thrive on social interactions, making connections and sharing experiences with others. Not having that outlet has proved challenging at times. I have had to pick up old hobbies, such as drawing, playing basketball alone and listening to music.

Not leaving my house does have its advantages, however. My sweatpants and tee shirt combination have yet to go out of style. I can complete homework and listen to lectures from the comfort of my warm bed and I have been able to sleep in, sort of, which has been a plus.
The only major drawback of online classes I have experienced is the lack of motivation. When my schedule was planned and I had classes to attend, I felt a sense of urgency to get everything done. Now, I feel like we are on break. It has been an adjustment to get back on track.