The student news site of Misericordia University

The Highlander

The student news site of Misericordia University

The Highlander

The student news site of Misericordia University

The Highlander

Lake Street Elite Pumps Up Campus

Football game spirit is brewing throughout campus thanks to Lake Street Elite, Misericordia’s spirit committee.

LSE originated a few years ago with a group of students who shared the same goal: spreading school spirit. Student Activities asked the group to return to help gain more fan support at home sporting events.

Now a group is forming to kick up school spirit on campus.

“We’re trying to get students more involved,” junior Lake Street Elite member Gabby Pollina said.

Group members said they noticed a lack of spirit on campus and felt the inaugural football season would be the perfect time to start to spread the cheer, junior committee member Jesi Swoboda said.

Committee members said home football games need a little work to get the spirit flowing. They said spirited students roamed bleachers and surrounding areas for a place to stand their ground but had trouble finding a spit out of the way of other fans. Students ended up  next to the Metz venue trailer to cheer on the team.

Darcy Brodmerkel, advisor, wants to let students know they are welcome to seats in the bleachers, but if they want a large crowd to occupy a section they have to get to the field earlier than kickoff.

“Students are welcome to seats.  They just have to get there early enough,” she said.

Many students suggested a reserved section of bleachers for students so they can all cheer together, similar to the procedure at home basketball games.

“We tried to get chants going while we were next to the bleachers, but we felt the spirit wasn’t carrying over to the stands,” sophomore Liz Anderson said.

The Lake Street Elite team is working to reserve a spot for communal cheering, but the limited seating prevents roping off a dedicated section. A student section is in the works for next season, members say.

“Due to the lack of available seating, older people who need to sit down cannot be put out of a seat for a student section,” Pollina said.

The committee has a tent at the field entrance where they sell different types of t-shirts and rally towels as well as pom-poms and clappers. Students can purchase a package containing  every spirit item for $15 with a valid Misericordia ID.

Fans who visit the tent can make signs to wave from the stands free of charge.

The group also plans to host many contests.  They held “Most School Spirited/Wackiest” outfit contest during the Homecoming game, and although members say they were disappointed by the lack of people who chose to take part, they believe interest will increase as they get the word out and word out.

The group will advertise upcoming activities, including white outs, gold rushes and blue waves to get students to dress in colors to unify the school community at home sporting events.

LSE members will accept applications for new members later this semester.

For more information visit or join LSE’s Facebook Group.