Pres. George Dubbed Mr. Misericordia

Jeremy Kuba, winner of 2017 Mr. Misericordia,
and Trevor George 2018 winner of Mr. Misericordia.
The Class of 2018 proudly presented the Mr. Misericordia competition and dubbed Class President Trevor George the new Mr. Misericordia.
The Mr. Misericordia competition, endearingly known as Mr. Mis, started April 19 at 9 p.m. in the Lemmond Theatre. An optional donation of $3 was collected at the door. Proceeds from Mr. Misericordia went towards the class of 2018’s gift, The Women With Children endowed scholarship.
Mr. Mis, a male pageant, is an annual contest of character, which includes a swimsuit portion, a talent portion, and a question and answer segment.
Participants had to be nominated by other students or choose to sign up themselves.
Jeremy Kuba, a junior occupational therapy major and the 2017 winner of Mr. Misericordia who performed the routine “Get your Head in the Game” for his talent, was one of three judges for the contest. Matthew Hinton, Assistant Director of the Student Success Center and Darcy Brodmerkel, Director of Student Activities, also served as judges.
The six contestants came from an array of majors.
Vinny Maldonado, a junior healthcare management major, was escorted by Ashley Hobbs. Maldonado is on the football team and currently lives in Lancaster, Pa. He enjoys mafia movies, and he was born in the same town as J. Cole.
Anthony Scher, a junior government, law, and national security major, was escorted by Emma Cigna. Scher enjoys singing in the shower, and his three favorite things are dirt biking, fishing, and peanut butter. The two contestants performed a dance together to “Jump on It” for their talent portion.
Michael Aliamo, a junior information technology major, who is also known as Crazy Mike, was escorted by Lauren Vermulen. Aliamo works at the Student Help Desk. He is a second degree black belt in karate, and he was unable to speak until the age of five, due to 22 ear infections. Aliamo performed the entire Napoleon Dynamite dance for his talent portion, and he wore a t-shirt that said “Vote vote for Mike,” in reference to the movie.
Logan Ferguson, a senior sport management major, was escorted by Megan Fatula. For his talent portion, he danced to Red Pill “Welcome the Jabowalkee.” Ferguson has performed in the annual talent show all four years. He really enjoys dancing.
Mike Ryan, a senior nursing major, tried to be escorted by his rabbit, Herman, but that wasn’t successful, so he had the audience chant “Herman.” Ryan throws Javelin on the track and field team. He has four first names. He sang and played guitar and had a friend play the drums for the talent portion. The two started playing “My Neck, My Back,” but were quickly cut off and then played another song.
Trevor George, first-year student in the physical therapy graduate program, was escorted Amberlynn Habich. George has an undergraduate in healthcare management. He is also Class President until May 3 and thinks his girlfriend, Amberlynn, is hot. He did slam poetry with a guest. He brought up his friend, Joe Grasso, who played guitar while George quoted “Get Low” by Lil Jon and R. Kelly’s “Remix to Ignition.”
The ‘swimsuit competition was a sight to see. It was entertaining and a little R-rated at times. The audience giggled nervously.
The Q&A segment consisted of two questions for each contestant. Contestants first responded to a very serious question and the second question was about something silly.
The university’s Dance Team and Dance Ensemble performed a routine while the judges deliberated for the winner.
Before crowning Mr. Mis, the announcers surprised the audience with a Ms. Misericorida. Ms. Misericordia was given to fan favorite and judge Darcy Brodmerkel. The audience cheered on loudly, and Brodmerkel bowed and hugged all three announcers.
Judges declared Class President Trevor George Mr. Misericordia. The audience chanted “speech!” and George said, “I am very honored to win this title and if there are any problems, questions or concerns, please take it up after May 3. Thank you and goodnight!”